If you’re ready to improve the energy efficiency of your home, then it’s important to consider your water heater. When you’re thinking about efficiency, you might think of your HVAC systems first. While your air conditioning and heating systems do account for a considerable amount of energy usage in your home, your water heater accounts for a lot as well. Your water heater accounts for nearly 17% of your home’s overall energy usage. This is why it’s important to have an efficient tankless water heater in Gainesville, FL.
If you’re wondering if upgrading to a tankless water heater is worth it, then we’re the team to speak with. Today, we’re going to run through some of the best reasons to consider a tankless water heater for your home.
The Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters
Here are a few reasons why you should consider a tankless water heater for your home.
Increased Energy Efficiency
Tankless water heaters are great because they prioritize energy efficiency. This is because the tankless water heater systems are “on demand” water heaters, meaning that they only begin to work once you signal them to. When you head over to your sink and turn on the tap, the tankless water heater starts working and not a moment before.
The beauty of this is that it eliminates the standby heat loss that tank water heaters experience. The way these systems work is by generating a substantial amount of hot water upfront and then storing it. While the hot water is waiting to be used, it can lose heat and then need to produce more. The process is inefficient and can cost you more money in the long run. A tankless water heater being able to sidestep this process makes your life easier.
Low Energy Bills
When you increase the efficiency of your water heater, you’re also going to save yourself money in the process. Since a tankless water heater prioritizes efficiency, you’re going to notice decreased energy bills over time. An investment in a tankless water heater is also a long-term investment in household efficiency.
Space Saving
A benefit of tankless water heaters that many overlook is their size. Tankless water heaters are much smaller than their tank water heater counterparts. This means that if you live in a home where you’re trying to optimize space, this water heater might be the best option for you.
Hot Water When You Need It
There’s nothing worse than hopping in the shower to lukewarm or ice-cold water. A tankless water heater can help you avoid this problem because it only produces hot water when you need it. This means getting comfort all the time in your home.
A Long-Lasting System
Tankless water heaters are known to be long-lasting. As long as you treat your system properly and maintain it, a tankless water heater can last you around 15–20 years. The is longer than the 10–15 year lifespan expected of a tank water heater.
Contact Affinity Gas Services today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We’re “The Gas Efficiency Experts.”