The last thing you want to do this summer is get caught in the dark. You need a home that’s not only well lit but also functional and cool. It’s inevitable that you run into the unexpected from time to time. If you want a solid backup plan in place, then you should get your home prepared with a generator.
We don’t install just any type of generator. We like to install whole-home generators in Gainesville, FL. Portable generators can get certain jobs done, but they can’t provide you the relief that you’re going to need if your energy problem is ongoing. Today we’d like to run through the most pertinent information surrounding generators.
How Generators Work
Let’s start with the basics. The way generators work is pretty simple. It’s a little like this:
Let’s say that there’s an interruption in the regular way that your home works (i.e. a power outage). Your home’s generator will sense that there’s been an interruption and kick on. From your point of view, this start-up will be seamless. When the power comes back on, the generator will turn off and let your home go back to a state of standard operation.
Why You Should Have a Generator
Now let’s talk about why you should have a generator.
- Peace of Mind: Having a generator means you won’t have to worry about the state of your home during an emergency. All your appliances will still work. This means your home will stay pristine and you can maintain comfort even during a stressful time.
- High IAQ: When your power goes out during the summer, it’s likely that you’ll start opening doors and windows to cool off. While this can be effective during cooler times of the day, it means that you’re sacrificing your IAQ. If you want to maintain high IAQ, having a generator in place that allows you to keep your home sealed is vital.
- Damage Prevention: Don’t want your home to flood during a storm that causes a power outage? A generator is essential. It will keep your sump pump working.
Why You Need Professional Service
You should have professional service for your generator because there are quite a few things to consider. Here are a few things we’ll help with:
Figuring Out Your Fuel Source
We suggest that you fuel your whole-home generator with natural gas. Why? Well, because natural gas is the most seamless way for you to fuel your system. You don’t have to worry about stocking up on fuel or running out of fuel when you need it most. Natural gas is also one of the most efficient methods of fueling your system.
The Installation Process
The installation of a whole home generator doesn’t take too long with professional help. We can make sure that you have proper backup for your home in a matter of a few days.
Reducing Noise
If you’ve ever worked with a portable generator, then you know the amount of noise that you’re going to hear when it’s working. Upgrading to a whole-home generator means that you’re going to get effective, quiet operation. This isn’t possible without the skill of professionals to ensure that you’re getting proper care though. This is why it’s worthwhile to invest in professional service.
Contact Affinity Gas Services for your generator services. We’re “The Gas Efficiency Experts.”